First diary entry - Covering days 28/07, 29/07 and 30/07

Hello! This entry will be the one to inaugurate one of rather daily texts of my ramblings. I am still not good with this kind of thing. Well, I started to write this in the 29th, as I had little time to write in the 28th after I created this site, but I only finished it at the 30th. So this entry will cover days 28 and 29.

Sunday, 28th of July of 2024

It's my anniversary! Hooray...! I guess. I am turning 23, but the day wasn't eventful, as I didn't think of anything worthwile to do until later in the day, when I was searching for ROMs to put into my external HDD, specifically a translated version of 'Tokimeki Memorial -forever with you-' (beautiful girls this game has, I assure you) and I found about an english translation works in progress made by a certain fellow brazilian Vinizinho. It was there that the name 'Neocities" caught my attention, and I decided to create this site. I still don't have much knowledge about HTML, but I still made the following:

I went to sleep fairly late, even though I had to be up at 4AM and get out of home at 5:30AM at most.

Few people have stepped to congratulate me for my birthday, but that's expected. I haven't been in much contact with my friends since... 2020. I can count them in my hands, but that's okay, we shouldn't be expecting a lot of people to congratulate me. I am still glad I am alive.

Monday, 29th of July of 2024

Getting at work

Things went smoothly when the subject was getting to work. I had to arrive at 7AM, one year earlier than the usual 8AM entry, due to a project regarding the integration of the new laboratory's exam label tickets into the hospital's ERP system. My mission was to install the Zebra printer into a computer and align its measures. In short, I am fucked.

I am pretty dry out of money, having only enough for a meal or two. So, I avoided taking an Uber in order to take the bus. When I got to the subway station of Jabaquara, everything was... silent and stopped, but crowded to the brim. When I finally managed to pay for my ticket, a friend from work managed to enter the train, almost getting himself stuck in the train's door. We talked about the integration, and he was outraged at the suggestion we'd spend the entire day accompanying the nurses in their how-tos (I was wrong). It was funny seeing his exaggerated inward screams. Later, I offered to tell him a joke, but he started to cringe right away and refused to listen, expecting a shitty, edgy joke would come out of me (he's right).

At work

Then, my next target would be my boss, who is in the laboratory waiting for his role in the project, and is into this kind of joke. Firstly, I apologised to him for arriving at 9:40AM last Saturday instead of the usual 8AM. He reassured me that for him, it's ok, since I cover the holes in the operation, and that the real problem would be with the HR, who had taken another workmate of mine for a similar reason (arriving late and being absent with medical certificates once a week. I said similar, not the same). I told him the following joke as a question:

"Considering you hook up with a disabled girl in a wheelchair... would it count like half-n****philia?"

Needless to say my boss laughed as all hell, and told me to fuck myself. After that, I launched another joke:

"Do you know what's the sole warm thing in a dead old woman? My redacted"

After this one, I was expelled from the laboratory while my boss laughed in a state of surprise. I went to buy a cheese and ham croissant at the nearby bakery, with my finances already thin, expecting to get my salary in the next day. Well, my bosses wished me a belated happy birthday and gave me and the others a briefing of what's to come. Exactly how I thought, except we won't be staying at the same place, as it was with the digital certification project (it was absolute hell).

As for the migration itself, it went without a hitch if not for the option to print the label being absent for some users in the ERP. I committed the mistake of relocating a printer on demand, since an email must be sent to our boss asking for a relocation and shit. The nurse asked another relocation, and I told him (yes, HIM) to ask for his boss to send an email to my boss asking for another... when I had done the first relocation a hour earlier.


Outside that, shit went smoothly without a hitch. Since I arrived at 7AM, I'd leave at 4PM. But I didn't have lunch due to an Infrastructure guy taking so freaking long to change a VLAN, so I got out at 3PM. I get it that it was during lunch time and he was super busy helping my boss to finish the Santo André house, but zayum! Can't complain about that, though. Fun to think that most of my coworkers learned yesterday was my birthday right when I was getting out of work. Tomorrow is my day off, hooray, I guess.

After work

Lunched for a whole hour with the last of my money, and took the bus home. I slept for a single hour inside the bus while listening to Eduard Khil's songs. So that makes half of the trip slept away. Nice. On the way, I received a belated wish for a happy birthday from my dear filipina friend, the Mom Scouter (an inside joke). Since she lives in a place that has an almost opposite time zone to mine, she ended up forgetting to send me her regards. But what matters is that she remembered.

Arriving home, I found myself searching about the 'Pokfusa', of Pokémon Clover (a hack rom of Pokémon Fire Red, filled with Fakemon that are references to 4Chan. I fully intend to play it and cover it in this blog in a future occasion), which I found out why it was deleted. Its creator apparently was bitchy about his creations, and the devs replaced it as a joke by another Pokémon. The creator threw a fit, and they decided to change it for real. But, I found something much more interesting design in the form of Dramasque (a gorgeous mask-themed pokémon with sharp female eyes) and Biteki (a Psychic trainer in Vaporwave). I already knew about Pokfusa because I have a friend who simped to it when he was playing Clover. For me, Dramasque (the middle one) is the best of these designs. Biteki (to the right) is a fun concept, and Pokfusa... well, it's eh.

Pokfusa (drawn by Urbinator17)

Other than that, I generated a rather... copious lot of +18 AI art of Filia, from Skullgirls. I don't know, this girl strikes at me differently. When I started this diary entry. I planned to finish before my session with my psychiatrist started, but I was unable to, as I haven't finished this entry, so I rescheduled for today (the 30th). I was unable to finish it yesterday because I unceremoniously slept, without brushing my tooth or taking a 2nd shower.

Tuesday, 30th of July of 2024

Spent my day off at home, as always. Good news are that I finally finished this entry, and the other is that my salary fell! Hell yes. Now I got to pay mother, my psychologist, my credit card and schedule the acquisition of a micro PC to act as my videogame. Furthermore, my cousin and aunt came over here and talked with mom about her clothing choices and possibilities, sparking a discussion whether things worked well or not with her. Well, that's irrelevant. I also had my appointment with my psychologist, who praised my idea to create this site. I managed to send the link to her.

Two bad news, though. One, that I have to go to Santo André tomorrow and accompany the inauguration of the hospital in an already established Diagnosis Center. Yes, I will be the only IT guy there. Truth to be told, it's just a clinic at most, but Santo André seems to be a hellhole of a city, worse than Santana (Santana is a district in Greater São Paulo). Well, at least I get to go on trains (the trains I went on yesterday were subway trains. The trains that lead to Santo André are actual trains). The other would be that I currently can't do my re-enrollment at college to finish my complementary hours, when I finished the course itself. I mean, wtf. I was told to keep trying to do my re-enrollment.

It's my brother's birthday as well. Yes, we have our birthdays two days apart from one another. I gave him my regards, despite not having a great relationship with him. I guess that concludes my first diary entry in this site. I just hope the experience at Santo André proves not to be shitty.