But who is the owner of this website, actually?

I am Salonius - though I also made myself known in the internet as Sargon and Nebelstern -, the owner of this site. I have created it in the day of 28th of July, 2024, ergo, my 23th birthday.

I come from Brazil, specifically from the State of São Paulo, hence I speak Portuguese natively, but I can make communication work with English as well, and it is my primary language online. I also fully intend to learn Chinese, German and Japanese. I like these languages!

I work with IT. I am a field technician, specifically. Though I am starting to question whether I want to continue doing IT and changing my focus to a translator job.

I primarily like Japanese pop culture in general, crystalized in music, anime and games (my favorite genre is JRPG), though I also enjoy the occasional medieval, renaissance-era and the 80s and 90s western art as well. I am not into 21st century american or even brazilian culture at all. In fact, I actually loathe those. I might expand on that at another opportunity.

Also enjoying philosophy, history and politics, I catch myself reflecting on these subjects after reading books or articles.

Why was this website created, and why Sengazanken?

I have created this website in order to express with my thoughts, ideas and emotions and find a way to externalize them without bothering or hurting others. It's also a hub where I can post my opinions on many subjects, alongside the things I do. Well, kind of have a lot to do here to populate it! I warn you, reader, though. I have some controversial opinions and I normally talk them in a fit of rage or while wanting to be an edgelord.

Sengazanken is an old fan-translated name for the ability Heavenly Peaks' Descent/Xuan Ya Lian Shan Quan, the strongest ability of the four Kung Fu characters from Live-a-Live, back from the time I played it in 2015. I find the name pretty kick-ass!